Pack Your Bags

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Disclaimer: I used to be a notoriously bad packer. I mean once on a trip to London I packed my kitty slippers. (What?! They meow when you walk, who wouldn't want to bring those babies along?)

Thankfully, in recent years I've gotten better. Maybe it's the backpacking trend, or the idea that I won't have to stand in line waiting for a checked bag if I just pack a light carry-on.

Whatever the reason, I've whipped myself into a packing extraordinaire and I've got some tips for how you can do the same.

Tip #1: Black, grey, brown, and white items are your friends. I can't tell you how wonderful black leggings have been to me on my travels. They translate easily from athletic wear to a night out when paired with a long blouse. I typically take a few pairs along as they easily roll up. As for the color comment, these neutrals can easily be mixed and matched for what looks like a wide range of outfits! Need I say more?

Tip #2: Make a list. Oh I know, it's so cheesy and seems so obvious; however, during my three years at the University of Alabama I witnessed so many of my friends pack for weekend trips by throwing everything they owned in bags and in the back of their car. It seems easy enough when you're driving, but once you arrive at your destination you either forget what you've brought or you take forever getting ready because you have to dig through everything. Take the time to sit down and list the days of the week, what you think you'll be doing and how many outfits you need. Plan out a few and assign them a day. Even if you don't follow the plan you'll know you have everything you need and can switch it up later. I typically do this in the front of my travel journal so that I can access it easily abroad.

Tip #3: Want to skip attempting to pour your product into a tiny carry-on bottle? I recently discovered Sephora has an awesome selection of travel size toiletry items. Many Sephora stores have an "On-The-Fly" section complete with clear bags to hold all your new products. From makeup to skincare to fragrance, bath and body, hair, tools and brushes, and even a men's section, they've got a plethora of product so you can get everything in one place and don't have to settle for drug store hopping.

I hope you can find it within yourself to trust the girl who once packed kitty slippers for a trip abroad, and I'll be sure to add to this list as I discover more tips worth sharing!

Happy Packing and Bon Voyage!